
MevSec writeup Introduction


MevSec is a community focused on web3 security. To ensure the people has the require knowledge and permits to have a healthy community, we decided to create a CTF (Capture the Flag). The goal is to flag the challenges on the to have at least 300 points. Once you get the 300 score points, you can join the community 😎

Today, we will solve the first challenge together to show you how it works πŸŽ‰

The challenge statement is as follows:

Challenge will be solved when there is no funds left inside the wallet. Hope you will join us !

1. Introduction

MevSec is a community focused on web3 security. To ensure the people has the require knowledge and permits to have a healthy community, we decided to create a CTF (Capture the Flag). The goal is to flag the challenges on the to have at least 300 points. Once you get the 300 score points, you can join the community 😎

2. Solidity challenge

Today, we will solve the first challenge together to show you how it works.

The challenge statement is as follows:

Challenge will be solved when there is no funds left inside the wallet. Hope you will join us !

Challenge Intro from

First, we need to download the challenge, and open it our favorite text editor.

Dowload the source code from

The setup.sol is the contract that will initialized the contract (this contract is used by the team to generate the challenge and showing what is necessary to solve the challenge).

contract Setup {
	VideoChallengeIntro public vci;

	constructor() payable {
		require(msg.value >= 100, "Not enough ETH to create the challenge..");
		vci = (new VideoChallengeIntro){ value: 100 ether }();

	function isSolved() public view returns (bool) { //IsSolved() need to return `true` to solve the challenge.
		return address(vci).balance == 0;

The setup will create the challenge by creating the contract VideoChallengeIntro in the line:

vci = (new VideoChallengeIntro){ value: 100 ether }(); //In this Challenge, 100 ether has been sent to the contract.

If we are looking closely the function isSolved() This function will return true , if the balance of the challenge is set to 0.

We can directly see that the goal of the challenge is to empty the balance of contract VCI.

Now, the file VideoChallengeIntro.sol this file contains the contract VideoChallengeIntro :

contract VideoChallengeIntro { //The VaultMEVSec contains 100ETH could you succeed to steal them?
	address public owner;
	modifier onlyOwner() {
		require(msg.sender == owner);
	constructor() payable {
		require(msg.value == 100 ether, "100ETH required for the start the challenge");
		owner = msg.sender; // Set the Owner when we call the constructor
	function balance() public view returns (uint256) {
		//Return the Balance of the contract.
		return address(this).balance;
	function withdraw() public onlyOwner {
		//Only the owner can withdraw the contract balance.
		payable(owner).transfer(address(this).balance); // Transfer the balance to the owner
	function setOwner() public {
		//Set the owner of the contract.
		owner = msg.sender;

We can clearly see that the function withdraw() will transfer all the funds (the 100 ether inside in the contract). However, this function is protected by the modifier onlyOwner() meaning only the owner of the contract can call this function…

Here, this our lucky day because the contract implement a function setOwner() not protected.. Meaning anyone can call the function and take the owner of the current contract.

So to exploit the contract we can do the following steps:

  1. Become owner by calling the function SetOwner() .

  2. Steal the ALL the ether from the contract by calling the function withdraw() .

Now how to do it using the infrastructure of MevSec and flag the challenge?

To start the challenge we need to use curl :

curl ''

Curl to create a instances of the challenge.

Then, we will all the necessary informations to solve the challenge.

RPC link created for the challenges.
Setup Address contractThe address of the Setup contract, if you need the address of the real challenge contract just check the storage or call the variable vci() (we will do later on this demo)
Contract Address Ethereum (20 bytes) of the challenger0x133756e1688E475c401d1569565e8E16E65B1337
Private key of the challenger to sign transaction and discuss with the blockchain0xedbc6d1a8360d0c02d4063cdd0a23b55c469c90d3cfbc2c88a015f9dd92d22b3
UniqueID The unique instance that will be created for you and will be running for 20 minutes.d3e87459ba9a4e54b6b74b2946dfb3f133fafdc4dcd715ebd2024642117e076a

3. Process to flag.

  1. Using cast we can get the contract vci by using the RPC and the Contract Address using the signature vci() .

Cast call to get the address of vci contract.

  1. Using cast we get the balance using the using the RPC and the address of the challenge.

cast balance to get the balance of the current challenge.

  1. Using cast we can send a transaction to the address of the challenge and calling the function setOwner() using RPC and the Private Key

cast send to send transaction with the function `setOwner()`

  1. Using cast we can send a transaction to the address of the challenge and calling the function withdraw() using RPC and the Private Key

cast send to send transaction with the function `withdraw()`

  1. Using the curl on the curl ' we can see all the possible options.

CURL to see all the options available including `get_flag`.

  1. To flag the challenge because we have call withdraw() and we steal all the funds we need to use curl with the /get_flag on our UniqueID.

Reminder the instances will be destroy after 20 minutes, don’t hesitate to recreate a instance.

CURL the get_flag with the UniqueID to flag the challenge.

Voila! Now You got the flag! 😎 Now it’s your turn starting to flag challenge the others to join us and also create new challenges for the new comers! πŸ”₯
Good luck!

4. Socials.

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